About Us

Vibrant colors by Nidhi was launched in year 2013. Till 2019 our presence was only on facebook by the name of Vibrant Jaipur. From 2019, we started working on Instagram as well by the name of @Vibrant_colorsbynidhi. With the launch of this website, we are renaming “Vibrant Jaipur” facebook page to Vibrant colors by Nidhi.

The founder of the label is Nidhi. She belongs to Jaipur and is settled in Gurgaon. She comes with 7+ years of IT company experience. She left the IT job to look after the kids, and started the Facebook page to keep herself busy. But over a period of time it became her passion and core business.

You will see all the vibrant colors of the pink city on the page. This label is available online only. Every product is tastefully created and picked. We take every possible care to maintain the quality, finesse of craftmanship. The colour combinations are chosen after due diligence. It is our endeavour to create a hassle-free shopping experience for our customers. We have tried to capture the essence and vibrant colours of each garment.

Wash and care of the Garment

  • All our garments are DRY CLEAN only. We would not be responsible for any damage to the garment if the washing instruction is not followed.
  • Reverse iron only.

Dark colours like Indigo, Blue, green, red, magenta, maroon can bleed. Please follow the wash care instructions.



  • The fit of the ready-made clothing depends on the cut, fabric and style of each garment. Some garments are designed to have a looser, relaxed fit while some garments are styled to be more fitted. Please review our sizing guide on the product page before ordering the ready-made garment, to select the size best suited to you. Please note that none of the ready-made garments have margins.
  • All the unstitched garments are standard width unless specified.



Pricing of our products is subject to our policy and we have the sole discretion to determine our prices. Prices for our products are subject to change without notice. Additionally, the prices mentioned on the Site are not subject to comparison with the same or similar product(s) and/or service(s) available through any online or offline sale. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.